New YouTube Video

April 26, 2007

Just posted a new YouTube video. Pretty hilarious.

5 Reasons why you should use Phire Mobile Banking

April 18, 2007

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As we all know, Americans are behind the Europeans when it comes to technology. One of the technologies Europeans are using that Americans haven’t taken advantage of is mobile banking. This technology allows the transfer of money between people and businesses through text messaging. A company that is trying to saturate the United States of America with this technology is Sapphire Mobile Systems.

Sapphire Mobile Systems operates the Phire network, a service that allows any bank to provide its consumers with access to their accounts from any mobile phone as well as the ability to pay anyone else who has a mobile phone using only simple SMS text messaging.

Simply put, this means you can send money to anyone by texting the desired amount using the Phire service.

Phire Logo

  1. Convenient: You don’t have to worry about carrying cash around anymore.
  2. Alternative to cash: “Skip the ATM and high fees”.
  3. Easy: “If you can send a text message, you can use Phire”.
  4. Security: Never worry about anyone stealing your credit card number again” or “It’s like having your own personal ATM PIN pad in your pocket”.
  5. Send money mom: Users will be able to set up a “send money mom” account, whereby parents are informed when student balances are running low.

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